Bloggers who Brunch

Monday 27 April 2015

I met some lovely bloggers at the #nwbloggersmeetup back in March and have stayed in touch with lots of the girls since. On Sunday I met up with Emma and Sophie for a catch up over Brunch at Moose in Liverpool.

I had absolutely no idea where it was but when we did finally stumble upon the right street we then had to find the right place. In the distance I could see loads of people queuing outside a venue and of course...that was where we were going!  We put our names down and actually only had to wait around 25 minutes which was soooo worth it...just you wait!


Moose is known for its extensive menu of American/Canadian breakfasts.

I had no idea what to pick as everything sounded so delicious..but me being me, had already googled the menu days before we were going and managed to narrow down my choices to two; either the New Orleans Moose or Apple Pancakes with Salted Caramel sauce...

Tea was the obvious choice of beverage! All three of us were a little chilly from the wait outside but this did the job at warming us back up!

Just LOOK at the food!!!!! Yep, I went for the New Orlean's Moose, which is pulled pork on a bagel with egg's benedict! I have never tasted anything so good!

I was actually a little disappointed that I'd only just discovered this place..

Emma and Sophie went for the Bacon and Maple syrup Pancake stack...I actually ended up eating a lot of Emma's as she was so full and I'm such a greedy guts!

We got so many funny looks whacking out our big cameras to take these but I had to document this moment of glutinous heaven!

L-R: Sophie and Emma
Once our little tums were sufficiently full, we headed over to the waterfront for a little walk towards the Albert Dock (my favourite place in Liverpool!)

Everything looks much better in the sun!

We finally stumbled upon the Liverpool Big Wheel...Sophie had to head off at this point..perhaps a wise move

As Emma and I made the spontaneous decision to go on the wheel! Not a great choice for someone with anxiety and for someone with a height of fears..we didn't do a great job at keeping eachother calm as the little car rocked away in the wind at the top!

But the views made it all worth it!

We all had such a lovely day! One of the best things about starting a blog has been meeting fellow bloggers!

Have you met any other bloggers?


  1. looks liek you had fun! lovely foods too :)

  2. your brunch looks so delicious! sounds like you had lots of fun :) xx

    Ioanna |

    1. It really was!! Would eat at this place every day for breakfast if I could!! xx

  3. That brunch looks absolutely incredible! I miss pulled pork so much and cannot wait to have it again when I'm back in England... it's just not a thing here in France! And I discovered maple syrup and bacon pancakes just recently and I'm definitely in love. I didn't think I'd like the combination but I was so, so wrong, haha! Liverpool looks lovely. :)

    Imogen // imogenscribbles

  4. Next time we go, I'm definitely having the pulled pork bagel. It was heaven. Kind of glad we went on the Eye.

    Emma Louise xx

  5. It's awesome that we can meet good friends blogging! You girls look like you had a wonderful time - any restaurant with a wait time at peak hours is sure to be a hit :)

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. That's so true! Plus when we got in there, the service was quick but they absolutely didn't rush us :) xx

  6. I love the fact that blogging brings so many people together that probably never would have become friends otherwise. I just wish I could find some of those blogging friends around where I live. There has yet to be anyone closer than 4 hours away, but I'm still hoping I'll find someone!

    1. Oh I hope you find some blogger buddies near by!! Until then, there's plenty of us online :) xx

  7. Oh my God, this looks SO good! I love that they used a bagel for the Benedict. I don't know how I would have ever chosen though - everything on that menu sounds incredible!

    Etta xx

    1. I feel like i need to keep going back to tick everything off the menu!! Apparently they do amazing milkshakes too! xx

  8. I love Moose SO much!

    I had the pancakes with bacon and maple syrup when I went and they were the best ever!

    Jess // Jess Who

    1. I can't stop thinking about them! Going to have to go back soon!

  9. What a fun day and it's nice to have some blogger friends to share it with! The food at Moose looks so yummy, it makes me hungry! :)

    Olivia x
    Beauty from the Fjord

  10. Those pancakes sound ah-mazing! And that is a understatement! Glad you enjoyed the event as well, looks wonderful.

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  11. Ah it looks like you all had a lovely time! The food looks amazing xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  12. This looks like such a fun day out! I love girlie days out :)

    Pop over to my blog and see what I'm up to!


  13. the food looks sooo good!!

    danielle | avec danielle

  14. If I am ever in Liverpool I know where I'll be heading straight to - the food looks soooo good, although I fear I'll take about an hour choosing what to have ha!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

  15. This place looks so good! I wish it wasn't all the way in liverpool!!

  16. Oh wow oh wow oh wow!! Breakfasts like this are one of my fave things ever! I wanna see what the apple pancakes and salted caramel sauce looks like! I think I would have gone for that... it sounds so delicious! Your pulled pork bagel looks so so delish though! Mmm.. I'm hungry now!

    Sarah xxx ||

  17. I LOVE Moose Coffee. There's one in Manchester and it's just such beautiful food. Definitely need to try pancakes and bacon on my next visit, it looks incredible! x x x


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