Make your own...girls night in box!

Sunday 4 October 2015

When it comes to birthday presents and cards, I really don't think you can beat something homemade. Time means a lot more than money and you can make something super special and personal for your favourite friend :)

Me and Rachel decided to organise a girly night in for our friend Sophie not so long ago. We used to always decorate shoe boxes when we were little and make things from trinket boxes to full on doll houses! So, whilst reminiscing over then cute times, we decided to make Sophie her very own Girls Night in Kit!

You can make the box as simple or as crazy as you want. We just glued some white paper on all of the sides to give us a bit of a blank canvas to work with, gathered as many stickers and crafty bits as we could find and got cutting and sticking.

For the inside of the box, we tried to think of some traditional girly sleepover type presents as well as tailoring this to things Sophie likes...

Sophie is a lover of candles and painting her nails so this fit in with the theme perfectly!

If anyone can suggest any shops that sell big bags of flying saucers, let me know in the comments as it took ages to find a bag of these...but we couldn't leave them out, they're her favourite you see!

We also snuck in a keyring with her favourite animal on it...just lots of nice, personal little things basically.

We had so much fun making this box and I think Sophie really liked it :)

You could tailor these boxes for any special occasion and make it as cheap or as pricey as you like. These boxes meet any budget!

What kind of box would you make?


  1. This is such a lovely idea! <3

  2. I love personal presents like this. One year I made my friend a personalised "beauty box" where I chose all beauty bits that I thought she might enjoy. xx

    Ioanna |

  3. This is such a sweet idea - really personal and thoughtful, without breaking the bank!

    Milly // Mini Adventures

  4. Omg this is so cute and such a great idea =]

  5. This is the absolute cutest thing I have ever seen. YOU GO GIRL. I'm totally nicking this idea too. There is nothing in the world like a thoughtful present that costs next to nothing. Amen to girl love.


  6. This is so sweet. What a wonderful thing to do.

  7. This is a great idea! I sometimes colour coordinate my gifts, makes it more fun to buy 😊


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