Following your dream

Monday 2 March 2015

I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit nervous about posting this as it's so different to anything else on my blog and it's about my biggest passion in life which I know not everyone shares but hopefully there's some takeaway messages here you can relate to! My main point I want to get across is that if there's something in life you really want to do, you can and you shouldn't let people put you off it either. Hard work and determination get you far in life! Here's my experience of following my dream...

Ever since I can remember I've always wanted to be a Vet. I used to be glued to the TV whenever Animal Hospital came on and I remember how much I loved the fact there was a Vet on there called Emma :)

I was the height of fashion back in the day...

Whenever I told people it was what I wanted to do, they'd always say how hard it was and I could tell some didn't think I'd be able to do it. One of my teachers told me I should probably consider a different career choice and that I'd be unlikely to get my grades. I honestly don't understand why teachers do this? Surely we should be encouraged to reach for as high as we can in life? Despite all this I still made an application to Vet school as I just couldn't imagine myself in any other job!

Part of the requirements for getting into vet school is that you have a certain number of weeks of work experience which led to some amazing opportunities! Have you ever been kissed by a sea lion? 
If you're interested, they have terrible fishy breath, but this one was just so cute!

As it turned out, I did get my grades and I took great delight in telling that teacher that he should really have more confidence in his teaching!!! However, what I didn't get was an offer for Vet school. I thought that was the end of it and that I'd just have to accept it wouldn't happen for me. 

I started another course and headed off to Uni anyway because that felt like the logical step and I did have a great time but I just couldn't let go of the fact that this just wasn't what I wanted to do and I decided to give it one last shot after a very long heart to heart with a friend..and guess what?

I got in!! :)

Receiving this email was probably the happiest and also scariest moment of my life. It was actually happening! I cried a lot that day.

I'm halfway through the course now, so I guess that's what led to me reflecting on the journey so far. There's still a lot of hard work to be done, but whenever I doubt myself, I try and remember how far I've come. In a way, I guess not getting in first time makes me appreciate the course so much more!

Even now, I can scare myself about the future but it's so important to do things, even if they scare you a little or make you nervous! It's worth it in the end. It's definitely not all cute and cuddly animals like these photos might portray but when I do see them, it is a perk! 

I haven't quite reached my goal yet as I still have lots of exams to pass before I can qualify and a few more years of training but it's good to finally be on the right track.

If you're unsure about applying for a job or opportunity - maybe you want to go travelling? I'd say go for it because you don't want to look back and regret it later. Use any negative comments to fuel your determination to prove those people wrong rather than let them drag you down. 

Maybe you're not where you thought you were going to end up but it doesn't mean you're going off the rails, you're just going down a different path, who knows, it might be a longer one that will lead you to where you do want to be. Maybe you don't even know yet what you want to do. These are all okay :) 

This is said all the time but it's because it's true, life really is too short. I'm 22 and I feel like each year flies by more quickly than the last!

What are your dreams? Have you got there yet or are you just on your way there still?


  1. this is such a lovely post :) well done for sticking to what you've always wanted to do!

    Bethan | Thought from Beth x

    1. Thank you Bethan :) was so worried this was going to just come across as massively cringey haha xx

  2. Oh Emma I loved this post and I think it could help lots of people with their dreams. Don't give up! Inspiring post.

    Beating Around the Blush

    1. I'm glad you liked it :) thanks for your lovely comment xx

  3. Emma I am so happy you stuck to your dreams and your doing them!! x

  4. I love this post, I think everybody needs this reminder throughout their lives. It's so lovely to hear you're doing what you've always dreamed! I used to have a good idea of what I wanted to do but pushed it to the side, but recently I've become somewhat interested in it again. However I'll admit I genuinely don't know what I want to do, I'm only occupied with interests at the moment.


    1. Sometimes it takes time to figure out what you want to do, so just wait and see and then pursue it :) and if you don't like it you can always go for something else!


  5. This is a great post and I'm SO happy it worked out for you!! I didn't know what I wanted to do in University. Right now, my passion is web design and I've been working to advance my skills so I can make my dream a reality! It's hard, but it's worth it because I love it!

    Chrissy x

    1. Wed design sounds so interesting!! I hope your dream comes true too :) xx

  6. This post gets a 10 out of 10 haha! I loved reading this so much and it really is important to just follow your heart! I'm about to apply for a school and while more than 600 apply, only about 40 get in! And I just have to get in! It's all I want to do! People often ask me if I have a plan B, and I don't because plan B is not what I want. Plan A is.
    And like you said - it's so important to do things even if they scare you. I love this quote "Doesn't being scared let you know you're on to something important?" because yes it does! If it's important to you, then you will care enough for it to make you scared or nervous and that's the things we need to do!
    So glad for you that you got in and good luck with your exams and everything xxx


    1. Thank you, your comment means so much!! I wish you the best of luck with your application!! I love that saying too about being nervous/scared about something shows it's important to you! I was thinking about that today and wished I'd included it in my post so at least now it's in my comments!! Remember to keep trying even if you don't get there first time!


  7. Thank you so much! I will definitely keep trying! :)

  8. No need to be nervous lovely! I absolutely loved this post and from the looks of things, so did everyone else!
    Eilidh xx

  9. such a nice and inpiring post. thank you for sharing this!


  10. What a lovely inspiring post! It's so important to follow your dreams and not let others put you off - only you know what your true potential is. Best of luck completing your studies xx

  11. This is incredibly inspiring & you've done so well!! I actually had a huge smile on my face whilst reading this xD I wish you all the best in the future :) I did something similar (I went into nursing but it wasn't for me and now I'm training as a pharmacy tech and hopefully going into the degree of my dreams in Sept! :))


    1. Aw thank you :) well your comment made me smile! Best of luck with starting your degree! xx

  12. This post put such a smile on my face, the photographs just illustrated it perfectly! I'm so happy for you for finding your calling and making it happen!! Go you!

    Shannon Rebecca | Blogger & YouTuber <3

  13. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this post! Congratulations, from what I have just read I am sure you will be a fantastic vet. Teachers like that irritate me so much, because having a passion to do something is so much more valuable than grades.

    ♥︎ Lydia || ItsHerStyleX

  14. Loved this post! So happy for you. I'm doing the wrong degree for me but only realised in my second year so without funding it was too late to start a new degree. Glad it's all worked out for you though!

    Laura x

  15. I love this! So glad to hear you're managing to pursue your dream job. Good luck.

    Corinne x

  16. I really enjoyed reading this post! Well done for getting into your course and not giving up! Congratulations on following your dreams :) xx

    Ioanna |

  17. Awww, I love animals, too- and I LOVE that you're following your dream. Your hard work will pay off, lady!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  18. Emma this is such a lovely post! I'm so glad that you decided you wanted to follow your dream. I always used to want to be a vet until I was 16, and then I changed my mind and decided I wanted to be a doctor instead. I had to take a gap year as I didn't get in the first time round, but following your dreams is definitely the way to go as here I am, in medical school! It's so hard to pull yourself back up from failing first time round, but it sounds like you definitely did that :)

    I really enjoyed reading this post, and your photos are so cute!

    Hannah xx

    1. Thank you Hannah for your lovely comment :) I'm glad you're doing what you wanted too! Looking forward to meeting you at the meet up next week!!! :) xx

    2. Thank you Hannah for your lovely comment :) I'm glad you're doing what you wanted too! Looking forward to meeting you at the meet up next week!!! :) xx

  19. It annoys me soo much when teachers put you down instead of encouraging you! So well done Emma on proving them wrong and Good Luck for uni! Xxx

    Anisha ♥ All You Need Is Red Lipstick

  20. found your blog through twitter and its class you're such a mint writer! keep it up xx

    1. Aw thank you so much :)!!! I shall do my best xx

  21. I am literally so in awe of your passion & determination to turn your dreams in to reality and also not giving up & taking no for an answer. And what a wonderful career to take up. I hope you have a wonderful career & become the next super vet ❤️
    Bee xxx

    1. Aw thank you, what a lovely comment :) xx

  22. I have so much love for this post. It's so, so easy to give up, especially when you're a student and feel like the career you want to get into is far too competitive. I also feel like I'm running out of time despite the fact that I'm actually only 21! I've been interested in Marketing for years now and suddenly everyone my age is graduating and deciding that it's what they want to do so I feel like it'll be harder and harder for me to get where I want. So I'm going through that right now and I find it so difficult to get out of the negative 'why don't I just give up' mindset, but at the same time when I read things like this I'm motivated to work harder and be more positive!

    I've just discovered your blog by the way and I absolutely love it. So well written and interesting! :)

    Imogen // imogenscribbles

    1. I think it's easy to forget that we actually have our whole lives ahead of us still, so there's plenty time to get to where we want, make a couple mistakes along the way. I hope you don't give up because why should you not make it?

      Best of luck :)


  23. This was such a lovely post to read Emma. If I'm honest I would have loved to have been a vet but at school I never really got the encouragement and sadly things just didn't go that way for me. I used to always regret not going for this type of job and in a way I still do, reading this made me feel SO happy for you yet it also made me realise I would have loved to do this too. It's funny isn't it the way life pans out.

    Keep on living your dream Emma! Oh and I have never been kissed by a Sea Lion, I wouldn't mind though, it looks fun! :)

    Amy xx


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